Greeting Everyone!!
Really happy share on special moment as recently create a special cake for my lovely Grandma for her 77th Birthday !! Correct.. double 77 the lucky number. =)
We having great funs for reunion and of cause.. special moment should have special and unique cake !! and this round.. new term for this cake.. "Magic" cake.. and we call it Longevity Mee "Magic" cake !! =)
Lets see the result..
Special invited model hands..
with sneak of the Lognevity Mee

The Longevity Mee .. long and high !!!
Represent long life..

Grandma favorites seafoods...
Abalone.. Squid Rolls...

Not forgetti
ng the best wishes..

Here come the magic... the model let go his hand..
Oh gosh... the longevity mee .... !!!
Guest what happen !!!

The Longevity stilllll.... stay long and high !! =)
Again.. represent long life forever !!!

Need a special and unique cake for our love one ?? Lets celebrate the special moments together !! Have other special ideas.. lets share with us and make it happen !!
Will reply and get back within next 1-2 days.. !!