Greeting Everyone...
Time flies... is time ready for Chinese New Year again... and is Rabbit year !!! =)
As usual... we will have special promo to all of you.. so to enjoy the happy moments by cupcakes, anyone... anywhere..
For this round... we do include for corp/company/bulk order promo..
So.. lets express the appreciation and happiness with this special year !!!
Corp Promo - Set A: 发柑
Represent the mandarin orange that brings prosperity.
Corp Promo - Set B: 兔来发福
Represent year 2011 with rabbit, here comes all the good luck !!
Promo Set C: 兔年糕(高)发
Create a view that prosperity rabbit is preparing the Chinese traditional cake ..
Represent with Prosperity Rabbit's traditional cake... everyone also gain the prosperity .. !!!
Promo Set D: Traditional Greeting
竹报平安,苦尽甘来,炮响迎新,年年高升. !!!!
Creating a view that everyone would love to have it for the CNY !!!
Each design represent it owns meaning which bring various good wishes to everyone !!!
Love the greeting ?? like the design ??? Wish to have it for your love one ?? !!
Another great intro... the flavor : Zero Sugar Rich Chocolate Cake !!!
You get it right ... Zero sugar usage for the cake... this is to promote and encourage REDUCE sugar !! =)
Order Method:
Corp Promo Set A or Set B: Minimum 10 boxes (can mix)
Total qty with CNY design: 20 pcs
Price: RM 15 per box. Total: RM 150
Promo Set C or Set D: Minimum 2 boxes (can mix)
Total qty with CNY design: 8 pcs
Price: RM 35 per box. Total RM 70
Last order by 30th Jan (Sun)
Last delivery by 2nd Feb (Wed) 12 noon.
To order: Simply click the link:
Will get back to you within next 1 days for confirmation.. =)
Again.. Happy Chinese New Year 2011 everyone !!!