We would like to wish every mother Happy Mother's Day 2013 in advance !!!
A mother (or mum/mom) is a woman who has raised a child, given birth to a child and grew the child. (Info extracted from wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother)
Everyone of us will be celebrating this special day on 12th May 2013.
As usual, everyone will busy creating surprises, buying gifts and presents for mother, i believe you too.
Still searching around for ideas ?
How about a Meal Box for mother.
An appreciation for her efforts to always make sure our stomach always FULL with great food, homemade or homecook dishes !
Of course, we will not cook a meal for your mom on behalf, but a unique cake with design for her.
This meal box [is a 4 inch diameter vanilla cake with strawberry frosting] come with chopsticks, spoon and some overflow of the dishes - mee/noodles [those are made by mashmallow sugar].
So ALL ARE EDIBLE, except the handle.
Full view of the design !!
Top and Closer view of the design !!
Not to forget, it comes with a small greeting card, a way for you to express your wishes, feeling and anything you wish to share to your mom. Cool ?
For everything above, it is only RM 70.
Again, you got a cake, a message card with your own words, and a topic you start off with your MOM, what dishes you like most from her !! Perfectly for family gathering.
To order:
Just submit request at: Penang Cupcakes - Evadis Cakes Online Order / Enquiry Form
Last order: 10th May 2013 (12 noon)
Delivery request only available base on first come first serve basis.
Again, Happy Mother's Day in advance !!!